Media Map’s comment on analysts relations says more about its PR clients than about itself. It’s aware that technology analysts are a big influence on the media, but wonders why Coca-Cola, General Mills or Pfizer are not putting the extensive resources into analyst relations that high-tech vendors do. The answer’s not even hinted at: technology analysts are numerous, and influential, because enterprises hire them to help them with product selection. That gives analysts more than influence: it also gives them intensive interaction with buyers problems. Needless to say, it’s a rare consumer who would hire analyst to help them decide on a purchase of Coke or over-the-counter drugs. This story is no longer on line at From The Editor, but this is the most interesting section:
Financial and technology analysts have received a lot of attention during this seemingly endless recession – mostly questioning their credibility and objectivity.
But, PR professionals continue to use analyst groups in most technology sectors to strengthen their messaging and better position themselves in the minds of their customers, prospects, and employees.In fact, if you look at top technology companies’ Web sites, you’ll notice specific attention is paid to both financial and technology analysts. Investor relations centers provide detailed financial and company data to stockholders and financial analysts. While companies like Cisco, Marconi and Tellium all devote sections of their Web sites to industry analysts, ensuring they can easily access information. Our question today is whether similar actions are being taken in other industry segments – consumer, finance, health & science. If you visit the web sites of Coca-Cola, General Mills or Pfizer, you do not see industry analyst sections highlighted – only investor relations centers. Should these relationships be different? We know from our customers that analysts from all industries are influencers they want to contact.