The Analyst Value Survey is open! Each year several hundred users of analyst research tell us which analyst firms they use, and which are most valuable. In exchange, they get access to our results webinar, where they discover which firms are delivering the most value in key market segments. You can take part too. Go to and click on ‘Take Survey’.
This year we’re asking in more depth about vertical markets. Which many technologies don’t have vertical functionality, the specific needs of vertical markets mean that many vendors are marketing with vertical stories to capture the needs of business managers who start from business challenges rather than technology needs. Early responses show that banking & securities, manufacturing, insurance, utilities and retail are key sectors for analysts to pay attention to.
The AVS prompts users to comment on over 100 notable analyst firms, and also allows people to write in the names of other firms they work with. The firms are presented in two lists. The main list includes the 60 analyst firms most commented on in the previous years’ AVS, including every firm with the full-time equivalent of ten or more analysts. Each year we also have a candidate list: we ask participants which of 40 to 50 smaller firms they would have commented on if they had been in the main list. In the following year’s survey we relegate firms on the main list which used less than firms on the candidate list. In the 2016 survey, for example, Avasant moved up to the main list and Greyhound Research moved down to the candidate list.
This year marks two more important changes: in the delivery of the survey, and in the Analyst Firm Awards which use the survey data.
- We’re introducing an Analyst Value Service: a continuous information service giving a deep dive into the AVS data each month. To keep these data fresh, the survey itself will move from being annual to being continuous.
- The Analyst Firm Awards will also move to a monthly schedule. Rather than producing one award a week during a winter awards season, we’ll publish one award each month.