Curmudgeon: How to Succeed as an Industry Analyst

Richard Stiennon is an industry analyst with 20 years of experience, well known for his work in cybersecurity. He used his knowledge to create an incredible guide to learn how to excel in the analyst industry. Stiennon reached out to other well-known analysts to add to this guide and I was privileged to be one of them. I wrote a chapter, Seven Habits of Highly Effective Analyst Firms, to help analysts capture a growing part of the measurable value they create for their users.

In 2018 I started to publish an annual analysis of the responses we exclude from the Analyst Value Survey (AVS): those from analyst firm staff. The AVS aims to show how analyst firms’ users value the different analyst firms. To prevent bias, we naturally do not count the responses of analysts and their colleagues in the study, especially since they decide on the Analyst Firm Awards (AFAs). However, there are some compelling trends when we look at analysts’ use of other analysts.

With this data, it was easy to establish what makes a firm most successful. Check out this free excerpt of my chapter to learn more. Interested in Stiennon’s guide to success? Follow this link to buy a copy in paperback or Kindle (free on KindleUnlimited!):

Amazon US: Curmudgeon: How to Succeed as an Industry Analyst

Amazon UK: Curmudgeon: How to Succeed as an Industry Analyst