We offer a range of services for technology vendors wishing to improve their visibility and output with the analyst community.
The Kea Company team has comprehensive, hands-on experience with Analyst Relations from multiple perspectives. We can demonstrate a proven track-record as associates within several renowned analyst firms, as marketing and Analyst Relations managers at several successful technology vendors and as IT and business managers at large enterprise organisations. Our team knows, like no other, why tech vendors succeed or fail in their Analyst Relations efforts. We help our customers do it right.
Starting from scratch
Our professionals help tech vendors who are looking to start their Analyst Relations efforts by determining and executing the appropriate goals and strategy.
Boosting your Analyst Relations programme
If you already have a successful Analyst Relations program in place, our support makes sure that you are firing on all cylinders and optimises the Analyst Relations processes with the purpose of supporting the business in achieving the corporate goals and strategy.
Moving to the next maturity level
When you already have a lot of interactions with analysts and have a high profile, we help you to refine your strategies and keep moving up in the analysts’ ecosystem. We enable you to support the business expanding in growth areas and win more sales recommendations.
Properly interacting with the right analyst at the right time you can ensure that your company is on the analysts’ radar and gets the attention and recognition it deserves.
The Analyst/Advisor Attitude Survey (AAS) gives vendors and providers specific feedback about analysts’ attitudes and perceptions.
Our workshops focus on how Analyst Relations teams are working across the thirteen major areas of an analyst relations practice and identifies successes and risks.
The Analyst Value Survey (AVS) is the only survey which gives you insights into how users of analyst research value different analyst firms including Gartner, Forrester and hundreds of mid-sized firms.
Kea Company offers the Influencer Quadrant, a service that identifies which companies’ profiles are on the rise, and which are on the decline, in the world of industry analyst research.
The Analyst Relations Value Forum is an annual event which brings together a global selection of leading technology industry professionals, analyst relations managers and analysts.
Thank you for your interest in our services. We are always looking for meaningful interactions. We appreciate you providing us with the information needed to make that happen.