A common question for analyst relations people is: should we keep on responding to influential analysts if we know they won’t put our solution in the most favourable position? The answer is yes.
There are many benefits from helping analysts with their research.
- If you contribute this time, then they will ask you next time. If you don’t, then they will assume you have less insight to contribute and might not be worth approaching.
- Analysts can only be advocates for your firm if they first build basic awareness. There is no shortcut. You must come in from the edge of the radar if you want to get to the centre.
- A passing mention is better than no mention. Buyers are looking for your credibility and a paper train through analyst content helps. If there are no mentions, they might think that the analysts don’t consider you a serious player in your category.
- Stepping out from data collection is even worse. If you have taken part in a study in the past, but decide to stop doing so, some analysts will assume it’s because your business had had a reversal of fortunes and you need to conceal the bad news. Some will wonder: Why else would you stop drawing analysts’ attention?
It’s understandable that many organizations are fearful of poor outcomes with analysts. However, your clients will continue to mention you to them and analysts will continue to track you. Hiding simply means that your competitors and ‘squeaky wheel’ customers create analysts’ perception of your firm, while you are suspiciously silent.