Fujitsu’s change in strategy helps it gain in the Lighthouse System Index

Lighthouse Systems Index - November 2008Fujitsu is the highest profile gainer this month. It impressed analysts this month and increased analyst coverage by holding its annual analyst day. Analysts agree that Fujitsu is more focused and organized as a firm with a global strategy and is 1st position this month. Nintendo is the biggest gainer this month in the Lighthouse Systems Index. The firm managed to sell the highest number of consoles in the US. It has moved up 4 positions this month.

Asus and Acer have both gained two positions this month. The two firms are competing with each other for the low cost netbook market, with Acer planning to beat market leader Asus by next year.

Xerox has shown the biggest drop in ranking this month. Although its printers have been ranked as the best by office workers in an Industry Analysts Inc. survey, the firm has shown a decline of 6 positions this month. EMC which continues to be the market leader in storage products, has also dropped 1 position this month. Its drop is undoubtedly induced by Fujitsu’s surge this month as both firms have exchanged their last month’s positions.

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Duncan Chapple