Duncan Chapple and Marius Jost discuss how analyst firms are changing in a recently-recorded podcast. In the mp3 recording, the two former analysts discuss what what means for the way that end-users ‘consume’ analyst services.
In less than 15 minutes, the two analyst relations experts spotlight six major trends unfolding in today’s past-changing analyst industry. Duncan stresses changes on the ‘supply side’ while Marius discusses the changes in the way different buyers consume research. He stresses the impact of research that is free to the reader (often vendor-funded) which is supporting new business models, especially at the bottom end of the market.
Visit http://bit.ly/IJWF5 to listen to the podcast, or to download it.
It’s available as part of a series of podcasts on IT Tools which Marius produces: The RRS feed is at http://bit.ly/AnalystRelations.