This month, Lighthouse is relaunching the Spotlight on Telecoms. Each month we’ll bring subscribers notable research they might have missed, and be talking about underlying trends.
You might already know the Influence Quadrant (IQ), which shows long-term changes in how often suppliers are mentioned. In this Spotlight, we’re able to share the Telecoms IQ, which compares the profile of the major telecoms and networking brands in analyst research in 2012 with 2011.
There’s a break-away winner, NEC. Recently Infonetics said NEC was rumoured to be eyeing NSN, The firm has pushed ahead in the microwave market and has interesting backhaul plans.
In the last few months we’ve continued to see interesting mentions of Infinera, Brocade and Ciena– the other firms who rose fast in 2012 in research by Telegeography, LightReading and others.
New and notable research
Some of the analyst insight that we’ve found interesting recently….
Paul Budde from BuddeCom outlines the explosive deregulation of the telecoms market. Telecom Egypt will sell its shares in Vodafone Egypt and start to compete. Read more.
Colt and NEC deliver femtocell-as-a-service
Michelle Donaghan at LightReading has a good summary of the project that Colt and NEC have led, which proves a new way of cutting CapEx. Read more.
Guess who called it first on Cisco and Linksys?
This month’s announcement that Cisco would sell its consumer Linksys business rang a few bells. We looked back to see who floated that ideas past us first. Either The Register is prescient, or a broken clock tells the right time eventually. Read more.
[…] Infonetics […]