Lighthouse Telecoms Index: Nokia rises to the peak

This month, we present a great achievement by Nokia as it ascends to the number 1 spot in the Lighthouse Telecoms Index. And with BT finally moving up from 9th, the June Index really shows how much improvement can be made in just one month. Heading towards the southern tip, Foundry continues this upbeat performance with a hugely impressive leap from 13th to 9th.

However, life isn’t all a bed of roses for the titans of the telecoms industry. We see Motorola stepping down from its throne whilst, for the time being, holding its place within the top 3. However, we still think this is a great accomplishment given that in our April index, Motorola was all the way down in 7th position.

Looking at the top 25 as a whole (which is available on request, just email us at the address below), T-Mobile and Sony Ericsson show great success, with both ascending 6 positions up the index. In terms of comings and goings, Telstra drops out of the top 25 with France Telecom and Research in Motion joining the remaining incumbents.

Interestingly, Novell has been moved from the Telecoms Index to the Software Index; this reflects its reduced offering in the networking market which our methodology places inside the telecoms sector.

If you wish to be sent the top 25 Lighthouse Telecoms Index each month please send an email to analysts [at] lighthousear dot com.

Duncan Chapple