Anthony Parslow, previously Chief Operating Officer at Forrester Research Europe, has left the firm for the mother of all road trips.
Anthony, seen here on the right, is one of five driving a 1988 white Daihatsu Hijet from London to Mongolia, which is celebrating its 800th anniversary this year. Their 12,000 km journey is raising funds for “Mercy Corps” and “Send a Cow“. They explain:
“We’ve found a charity that sounds pretty ridiculous, but actually does some pretty good things. It’s called “Send a Cow” and their purpose is to provide livestock to poor farmers to allow them to become self-reliant. Not only do these guys provide the livestock, they also provide training and advice on how to keep their stock flourishing. We like what they do, and perhaps also like that what they do sounds ridiculous, but is actually pretty cool, and that is kind of what we have been going for with our little rally project. We will also match everything that we raise, and are looking to get a total of 5,000 British Pounds together, which should be manageable if we get a couple of people and corporations to send in a couple of dollars, euros, or pounds here and there.
“We will also be collecting donations for Mercy Corps. Mercy Corps alleviates suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities. Since 1979, Mercy Corps has provided more than $500 million in assistance to people in 81 nations. The organisation’s 2,100 staff worldwide currently reach 7 million people in more than 35 countries. Mercy Corps allocates more than 92 percent of its resources to programs that assist people in need.”
To make a donation, click here or visit
After five years at Forrester, following five years at Big Blue, it sounds like the perfect break, evn though it also sounds a little like running an analyst firm: “No GPS, no modern comforts, no support crews and for the last 2,000 kms no maps and in many cases no roads!”
P.S. The team’s blog is here.