Kevin Lucas previews his AR Forum talk on how to boost analysts´ influence

Forrester Research´s analyst relations analyst, Kevin Lucas, will speak at the Analyst Relations Forum on October 3rd to discuss how vendors can boost the influence of analysts over the market.

In this new podcast, Kevin explains that while many AR people pay attention to which analysts are most influential, few also try to raise the influence levels of analysts (and, we might assume, especially those of the most positive analysts).

For me, it´s fascinating that this is an aspect of AR that few professionals consider. Most AR people, explains Kevin, are not well trained and they focus only on influencing analysts rather than making that influence really work in our own favour.

There´s a lovely example that Kevin uses in the podcast, where he discusses how one client´s conception of its analyst relations strategy was in practice unrelated to the true priority that it should have focussed on instead. Kevin´s talk will be an amazing opportunity for AR to move beyond such ´common sense´.

Kevin´s talk is one of two in the session on moving AR beyond best practise (the full agenda will be published tomorrow). To see more about the other presentation in that session, see my conversation with Symantec´s Patricia Valuch.

Duncan Chapple

Duncan Chapple is the preeminent consultant on optimising international analyst relations and the value created by analyst firms. As SageCircle research director, Chapple directs programs that assess and increase the business value of relationships with industry analysts and sourcing advisors.