Okay… so here’s the agenda for the AR Forum on October 3rd. It’s going to be an amazing event, and attendance will be right up to the limit for the room. It might get a bit close, so leave your ties at home guys!
08:45 Registration and coffee
09:15 Introduction
Duncan Chapple on why we made this happen
09:25 Keynote
Yash Khanna on the big issues in AR
Moderated by Bram Weerts
10:20 Comfort Break
10:30 Session: Beyond best practice
Kevin Lucas on managing the level of influence exerted by analysts
Patricia Valuch on Social Media and Analyst Relations
Moderated by Efrem Mallach
11:15 Coffee Break
11:25 Session: Proving the value of AR
Jon Peet (live from Singapore) on AR measurement and scorecards
Shashank Kulkarni on operation metrics for AR reporting
Moderated by Duncan Chapple
12:20 Lunch Break
13:20 Session: Expanding the role of AR
Joanna Gluzman-Laukkanen on how to expand your role and your salary
David Taylor on Sales Enablement for Analyst Relations programmes
Moderated by Sven Litke
14:05 Comfort Break
14:15 The changing impact of analysts
Duncan Chapple on the Analyst Value Survey results
Efrem Mallach on the dynamics of analyst influence
15:00 Coffee Break
15:10 Aligning AR to the business
Allen Valahu on selling and leveraging AR within your company
Caroline Dennington on turning AR into a profit centre
Moderated by Derk Erbé
15:55 Comfort Break
16:05 Case Study: NelsonHall
John Willmott on why research firms need to change
Moderated by Efrem Mallach
16:50 Closing remarks
Bram Weerts
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Book Launch
Efrem Mallach will present the new edition of Win Them Over
19:00 Drinks and networking