We’re launching an Analyst Value Survey index to rank the analyst firms

In three weeks over 3,000 people used the results of the 2013 Analyst Value Survey results to understand which analysts firms are delivering increasing value. From the initial findings, posted at http://www.slideshare.net/dchapple, a lot of questions have arisen. Most importantly, what does the survey suggest that buyers of analyst services, and analyst firms themselves, should do differently?

For the first time since the survey launched in 2001, we’re organising a webinar to answer those questions and to launch an Analyst Value Survey index which will provide one simple ranking to compare the value to users of different analyst firms.

Market research guru Ian Scott will introduce the new index. Ian has a long career in quantitative and qualitative data analysis and segmentation. Previously a consultant at Loudhouse Research, Ian’s analysis produced the landmark B2Buyology study of IT buyers.

Kea Company managing director Duncan Chapple, who launched the survey in 2001, will set the results into context. Building on his experience helping analyst firms’ clients to get the best value from their investment with analysts, he’ll explain how both buyers and sellers of analyst services can use the survey results to maximise the value of analyst services.

To see more, or to register, please contact us.

Duncan Chapple

Duncan Chapple is the preeminent consultant on optimising international analyst relations and the value created by analyst firms. As SageCircle research director, Chapple directs programs that assess and increase the business value of relationships with industry analysts and sourcing advisors.

There is 1 comment on this post
  1. Duncan Chapple (@DuncanChapple)
    November 01, 2013, 10:55 am

    People have asked, so here’s how we’ll do it. It’s an aggregated and weighted super-score including influence, value, independence, buzz (word of mouth), and trend (on-the-up or down).

    One thing I ‘d love feedback about: We will then either place them into awareness segment league table, or weight them all by awareness and see who comes top.

    Another option, to test the value of the “long tail”, is aggregating the very small companies into a datapoint we can compare collectively against the the larger companies with enough data to show as single entities.