On Thursday 15 May Kea Company will be running an intensive AR master class in one of the French capital’s most beautiful buildings. Our Paris campus is in Le Centorial, the former headquarters of Credit Agricole, France’s top retail bank. The inspiring building is home to Paris Fashion Week and to EDHEC, the elite business school which lending us its seminar room.
The full-day seminar will be an intensive course aimed at professionals needing a strong foundation in analyst relations. While not focussed on those preparing for the IIAR’s certification process, the session covers many of the topics required by the IIAR’s study guide. To assist continuing professional development, the course includes:
- – Optional entry in the IIAR’s certification test (normally 100 pounds), which you can sit any time in the following year
- – One year’s membership of the IIAR (normally 200 pounds)
- – Membership of the Analyst Relations Forum on LinkedIn
- – Win Them Over, Efrem Mallach’s classic work on Analyst Relations
- – Industry Analyst Relations, Duncan Chapple and Ralf Leinemann’s best-seller
- – Two one-hour follow-up webinars with course tutor Duncan Chapple
- – The Kea Company professional development certificate.
To find out more about registering for the event, visit http://bit.ly/FR-AR.