Our friends at Hypatia Research Group, one of the sponsors of last year’s Analyst Relations Forum (alongside firms like HfS Research and Greyhound), have shared some thoughts about how to do analyst relations. Check it out in their newsletter here. There’s one comment which might raise a few concerns with people in public relations teams:
Value-add AR pros know how to solicit and leverage our information for your organization’s benefit in ways most media professionals have never been trained to do. This is especially true for an outside agency who is not fully integrated within your company.
No-one can fault Hypatia for pointing out that most media relations professionals have not been trained for AR, but some have. The Institute of Industry Analyst Relations includes many members who either work for PR agencies, or still do now. Some of them even have the IIAR’s respected Certified Professional status. And, as Ralf and I explained in our book, AR can extend PR usefully.
To get a bit more insight into Hypatia, check out their interview with the IIAR blog.