A first glance at the Analyst Value Survey shows new risks emerging for analyst relations professionals. We’re hosting a webinar on November 30 to hear how leading AR professionals are responding to them, and what the best practice is for your analyst relations program. Three risks stand out massively.
- First, there a big gap between the firms that vendors think are influential on buyers, and those that buyers are influenced by. Vendors often overstate the impact of research-centred firms like IDC or Ovum and underestimate the impact of companies centred on community and advisory services such as Everest Group or Hackett.
- Second, because research is the visible tip of the iceberg AR teams are focussing on influential analyst research rather than the broad range of analyst influence.
- Third, because the supply side is buying research from different firms from the demand side it hears a less diverse slice of the conversation between buyers and analysts.
To find out more about these risks, and how AR leaders are reducing their negative impact, join us on November 30th for the webcast, which is free for clients and members of the Analyst Relations Forum. Discussion will be led by Duncan Chapple, Managing Partner, and creator of the Analyst Value Survey. Speakers are AR veterans with over 70 years’ experience in some of the industry’s most trusted brands:
- Stephen Loudermilk (LexisNexus, Alcatel-Lucent, Avaya) helps companies defend, protect and build “world-class” brands
- Richard East (IBM, Active Influence) is a strategist focussed on prioritizing analyst firms
- Stacey Alexander (Gartner, IDG, SageCircle) is co-director of the Analyst Value Survey, Business Partner of Kea Company since 2016.
Register on eventbrite at http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/kea-company-ar-risk-webinar-tickets-29604499856.