The 2017 Analyst Firm Awards for Analytics and Big Data seem to be rewarding firms that are most deeply engaged in conversations with clients. The top ten firms are notable for the strong combined performance of all three CXP Group brands (PAC, le CXP and BARC) and of two giant business advisory firms (Deloitte and KPMG). Even so, the two top firms have a commanding lead, together producing 35% of all the value generated by analytics and big data analysts for their users, plus they also make sure to offer highly recommended Managed Hosting services.
- Gartner’s strong leadership especially reflects its ability to understand the paradox of larger investments by fewer firms.
- Forrester Research tends to specialise more than Gartner on high growth segments, but some of the most-read Forrester Waves have concerned big data.
- HfS Research’s impressive team has edged IDC into fourth place, but they and the CXP Group firms are surprisingly close.
- IDC’s insight has especially impressed us this year, with the team making perceptive comments about vertical market adoption of analytics and their corporate integration.
- CXP Group firms (le CXP with PAC and BARC) have a notable sweet-spot for analytics and big data: BARC and CXP have one of the biggest business intelligence and analytics teams of any firm, while PAC has a strong understanding of the services ecosystem around big data.
- Everest Group didn’t beat Ovum’s research quality but its wider value proposition pushed it into sixth place. Its peer services, advisory engagement and influence on purchasing are impressive.
- Ovum beat Everest on research and inquiry calls, but remains too narrowly focussed.
- KPMG scored well for its ability to impact business leads and for its events.
- Deloitte has similar qualities to KPMG but stood out for influence on purchasing.
- ISG’s ability to deliver business leads was outstanding.
To find out more, join our awards webinar next week and read more about the awards methodology.