Three Common Mistakes: the Magic Quadrant and Tech Vendors (part two)

For a variety of reasons, communications and IT vendor Analyst Relations and executives make a number of mistakes concerning the Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) and how their companies should react to it. Decision makers at IT vendors need to take a step back and carefully consider the appropriate level of effort to put into “moving the dot.”

The first mistake is proceeding without understanding how your prospects and customers/clients value and use the MQ. You should be surveying your customer/clients and prospects about which research firms and reports they use.

The second mistake is assuming that you know what the underlying market-specific criteria and assumptions are for the MQ without talking to the appropriate analysts. Repositioning your “dot” on a Magic Quadrant doesn’t happen just because you have a great product or service. Often the most important criteria are not captured in written format and do not focus on features/functions. In order to proceed, it is important that the vendor talk to analysts to find out all the criteria and proof points needed to meet those criteria.

The third mistake made is to let the tail wag the dog. While the Magic Quadrant is a key research deliverable, you can best impact your position by developing and maintaining a solid relationship with the analysts and providing the the education they need to fully understand your company and your products and services.

While these three mistakes are very important, there are other mistakes that AR teams need to watch out for:

  1. Waiting for the analyst to contact you
  2. Not staying on top of evolving criteria and assumptions
  3. Not staying on top of changing publishing schedules
  4. Not understanding the importance of a change in analyst ownership of a Magic Quadrant
  5. Not trying to change the criteria and assumptions used to create the Magic Quadrant
  6. Not treating each Magic Quadrant as a separate entity if the vendor is on multiple, related Magic Quadrants
  7. Not countering competitors’ efforts at influencing criteria or positioning
  8. Bashing the analyst, Gartner or Magic Quadrant
  9. Going to the analysts’ manager or Gartner execs
  10. Going to Gartner’s Vendor Relations department
  11. Going on “autopilot” when dealing with the analyst

* Are you having trouble convincing your executives about the typical mistakes that vendors make? Kea Company’s insights on the Magic Quadrant can be a valuable tool in your education campaign about the appropriate approach to take with the MQ. Feel free to request a critique of your MQ plans to ensure the appropriate effort to carry out realistic goals.

Kea Company Technique:
* AR managers need to take zero-based evaluation of their MQ plans to ensure that they are realistic
* AR managers need to be watchful that their programs are not falling into one of the common mistakes about the MQ
* AR teams need to educate their executives about the common mistakes and steps to avoid them

Bottom Line: There are a number of mistakes concerning the MQ that AR teams need to be concerned about, not all of which are listed in this post. AR managers need to take a balanced approach to the MQ, neither giving it more attention than it deserves nor providing insufficient resources to “moving the dot.”

This post is one in a series about tech vendors and their relationship with the Gartner Magic Quadrant. In addition to this series, there is a Kea Company Guide to the Magic Quadrant that helps research consumers – whether enterprise IT managers or vendors – make appropriate use of this most famous and misused research deliverable.

For those AR managers needing much more depth than what is appropriate please contact us at Kea Company and we can have a conversation on how to provide more depth and breadth on this critical topic in the IT industry.

With this series I want to build on the excellent work that Dave and Carter did at SageCircle. The MQ is relevant today and many tech vendors struggle to get their strategy right. This alone is enough to warrant further exploration of the topic.

This post originally appeared on LinkedIn. It is part of a series of 7 articles on the Gartner Magic Quadrant. Other parts can be found here.

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Derk Erbé

There are 2 comments on this post
  1. January 12, 2015, 9:46 am

    […] Question: Do you have regular calls with analysts in charge of relevant MQs to determine how they perceive the market is changing and how this will impact the criteria for a MQ? […]

  2. January 30, 2015, 12:19 pm

    […] and spokespeople should insure that you accomplish your goal of moving the dot while working on other aspects of your analyst relationship such as competitive intelligence gathering, relationship building, training a novice analyst, […]