Some great new research papers from Vanson Bourne come highly recommended. At first glance (walking out the door for the weekend) they look excellent.
I’m especially attracted by the paper called Technology media, brand recognition and the role of research. It’s a survey of 300 senior IT decision makers in Germany, the UK and France. Generally, CIOs report that when selecting new suppliers, media reports and market research remain much more important than online searches. Especially in the UK and Germany, CIOs disagree with the notions that print is becoming obsolete, or that they need not follow the print media. Around 70 per cent of CIOs react more positively to a supplier mentioned in a story which references research.
In contrast, fewer than 10 per cent of CIOs say they turn to the Internet first when they need information.
The ratio between CIOs who value research and those who do not continues to be strongly positive, especially in larger enterprises, in retail, and in France and Germany.
PS Many thanks to Carter for spotting typos!