Telecom Italia has shot up 9 positions placing it as the biggest gainer of the month. The firm has launched its first community Internet TV “Yalp!” which aims to allow users to create and publish their own TV channels. ZTE has announced the industry’s first operational end-to-end IMS system with convergent BSS/OSS, it has moved up 5 positions and is the only new entrant to the top 25 this month.
Verizon is the highest profile mover of the month. It has jumped up 2 positions and is now ranked at 3rd place in the Lighthouse Telecoms Index. It has been placed in the leader’s quadrant by Gartner in the Magic Quadrant for Managed and Professional Network Service Providers, North America report. Moreover, analyst focus on Qwest’s decision to engage Verizon Wireless (VZW) as its mobile network provider has certainly helped lift its position in the Lighthouse Telecoms Index. Motorola which has launched its Enterprise Wireless Partner Program has also moved up 3 positions and is now ranked at the 5th spot.
iBasis and Mobistar have shown the biggest decline this month with both firms dropping by a whopping 13 positions. Although T-Mobile has started its commercial 3G roll out in the USA, it has dropped down 5 positions and is now ranked at the 20th spot. TeliaSonera just last month jumped up 11 positions to get to the top 25, but has now dropped down this month and has been knocked off the top 25.
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