For a variety of reasons, communications and IT vendor Analyst Relations and executives make a number of mistakes concerning the Gartner Magic Quadrant (MQ) and how their companies should react
Even with a host of blogs and other forms of social media, Gartner’s Magic Quadrant remains the IT market’s most highly visible piece of commentary. Because the Magic Quadrant impacts billions
“Everything that has been disseminated for free this past year has been excellent. Gartner and Forrester material is either dated, too high level, not believable, or tailored to small companies
Symantec’s EMEA comms leader Caroline Dennington and recent Gartner alum Samyr Jriri gave an impressive presentation at the Analyst Relations Forum 2014 about analysts’ impact on sales. Context is key: analysts are
In private conversations, Influencer Relations professionals often critique the analysts’ level of preparedness for a briefing. However, the ?IR pros are unwilling to actually say something to the analyst for fear
What have Box, Dropbox, Nest, Evernote, Cloudera, Palantir and Instagram in common? They where all named a Cool Vendor by Gartner in the past five years. So, what happened to

“Everything that has been disseminated for free this past year has been excellent. Gartner and Forrester material is either dated, too high level, not believable, or tailored to small companies

We met with David Metcalfe, one of the founders and a Director at Verdantix this week. David will be familiar to you from his Forrester Research analyst and vice-president roles