Alongside the traditional top five firms, TechMarketView, Ovum and Kable are notable new entrants in the Supply-Side Analyst Firm Awards for 2016. As last year, the five firms delivering the most value
Users of analyst research in hundreds of demand-side organisations (those which buy ICT solutions, rather than those which supply them) have given their opinions to the Analyst Value Survey and,
This 2015 post has been superceded by the 2018 Americas Analyst Firm Award. Users of analyst insight in the Americas say that Gartner, Forrester Research, HfS Research and IDC are
Russell Rothstein of IT Central Station join us to learn about how the ‘Yelp of Enterprise Software’ is changing the way people purchase enterprise technology.
Jon Reed of Diginomica spoke with us about how Diginomica is taking a fresh approach to enterprise tech analysis.