This article by Kyle Flaherty is useful article to share with public relations colleagues who want to getter understand the rational for AR. Kyle evaluates three common ideas about AR:


The most high profile Services event this May has been the acquisition of EDS by HP. The deal, valued at approximately $13.9 billion, is expected to more than double the

IIAR awards: don’t forget who the voters were

The IIAR has announced the winners of the 2008 Analyst of the Year award, on its blog. The leading award goes to R. ‘Ray’ Wang, at Forrester Research – which


Ericsson and BT are the two most high profile gainers of analyst focus this month. Ericsson notched up 2 positions and is now at the 3rd spot. The fact that


We’ve been looking at the Analyst Equity archive to see which articles from before April are currently most read. If you’re looking to see what topics are on the minds


Two dozen people, including eight analysts, have been laid off at IDC. The new alumni include semiconductor analyst IdaRose Sylvester and analysts in a number of areas, including handsets, OSS


Amdocs is the most high profile gainer this month in the Lighthouse Software Index. The firm has acquired Jacobs Rimell, a provider of fulfillment solutions for the broadband cable industry,


Burton Group’s IT1 service launches today (see here), just months after Current Analysis announced a partnership with ETIS. Both developments reflect a push by analyst firms to deepen their roots
