My colleague Elena Georgieva gave a great Lunch and Learn talk to CCgroup colleagues recently. I tweeted the highlights and, wow, it’s enough to make a blog post! A briefing

It’s not often I get cited in an analyst firm’s press release, so it’s a delight to share this news. 19 experienced worldwide analysts announce The Analyst Syndicate BOSTON, March 14,

techUK, the industry association whose 'Analyst Launchpad' seminars educate British tech business on analyst relations, has announced a University of Edinburgh certificate in analyst relations.

Building on a decade worth of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) sponsored research carried out at the University of Edinburgh Business School (UEBS), the UEBS is joining forces with

The 2018-19 Analyst Value Survey and 2019 Analyst Firm Awards will be produced by the Analyst Observatory, the research centre at the University of Edinburgh Business School. The Observatory will

Regulations, authoritative professional norms and dominant culture set complex expectations for all institutions. In the opening session of a workshop for academics and PhD candidates at the University of Edinburgh

I’ve just listened to a replay of a webinar comparing Gartner’s Cool Vendor award with the rival Hot Vendor awards from Aragon Research and HfS Research. My colleague Annelieke Nagel

Despite the huge and surprising scale of the alleged kickbacks, Gartner is not alone. Almost all the dominant global technology consulting firms have been implicated so far by a South African investigation